Booksaur: Marina's Tales by Derrolyn Anderson - FREE book

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Marina's Tales by Derrolyn Anderson - FREE book

Hey readers! I've received an email from a lovely author, Derrolyn Anderson who wrote Marina's Tales which is a series composed of 4 books. She recently finished writing the 4th installment, The Turning Tides, and is going to give away copies of the 1st book for free on Smashwords: Between the Land and the Sea. If you would like a copy feel free to email me at booksaur(at)gmail(dot)com and i'll send the code your way.

Here's my review of the 1st book.

It really enjoyed the series so far and I highly recommend you check it out!

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Your blog is really cute! I found you on Book Blogs and I am now your newest follower! I hope you have a wonderful evening and that you'll stop by for a visit sometime when you get the chance. :)
    Leigh Ann
    MaMa's Book Corner


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